Outdoor Exploration

Lucky Day Backpacks

  • No Holds
  • No Renewals
  • 7-day checkout period
  • $1.00 per day fine / Maximum of $10

Reservable Items

  • Reserve by phone or in person
  • No Renewals
  • Up to 2-week checkout period
  • $50 per day fine / Maximum of $150


Disc Golf

  • No Holds
  • No Renewals
  • 7-day checkout period
  • $1.00 per day fine / Maximum of $10


  • No Holds
  • No Renewals
  • 7-day checkout period
  • $1.00 per day fine / Maximum of $10

Educational Items


  • Can place holds
  • One renewal
  • 21-day checkout period
  • $.25 per day fine

Educational Kits 

  • 7 different kits
    • 3 Specimans in Acrylic kits
    • 1 Environmental kit 
    • 3 Musical Kits 
  • Can place holds
  • One renewal
  • 14-day checkout period
  • $.25 per day fine


  • No holds
  • No renewals
  • 7-day checkout period
  • $1.00 per day fine


Experience Passes now available.  Ask about them at the front desk!